- Meetings are last Tuesday of the month.
- Fish Frys and pancake breakfasts a couple of times a year
- We have a float in the Bug Days Parade
- We also hold a Free Throw Contest for the kids ages 10-14.
Grand Knight - Mike Ludwikowski Ludwikowski(AT)midco.net -- KC's Insurance Agent - Seth Myhre - 872-5122
Adopt a Parish Program
The Knights of Columbus have initiated an "Adopt a Parish" Program for Christians in Iraq. Christians there have been persecuted for many years and are in great need of assistance to help them recover. Our Minneota council is 1 of 4 that have been selected in the state of Minnesota to help with this initiative.
We have adopted Mart Shmoni Chaldean Catholic Church in Perka Village, Dohuk, Iraq. Our council`s goal is to reach at least $2500 by June 30, 2020.We would like to give as many people as possible to the opportunity to help with this noble cause.
If you would like to make a donation, make checks to: `Knights of Columbus`. In the memo put `Adopt a Parish`. You can put it in the collection basket in an envelope marked `Minneota Knights` or send to: Brad Hennen, 2243 330th ST. Ghent, MN. 56239
Thank-You, Knights of Columbus council 14420
Your decision to join the Knights could define your year.
Join Catholic men just like you striving to strengthen their faith, their families, and their communities as members of the Knights of Columbus.
Every Knight makes a difference.
Each man brings a unique story, a particular set of skills, and a heart that is ready to serve.
We invite you to take this exciting step and join us today.
It's an opportunity that could define your year and change your life.